Sellier & Bellot - Soft Point - 140 Grain 6.5x55mm Swedish Ammo - 20 Rounds

Sellier & Bellot
Bullet Weight
140 Grain
Casing Type

In Stock: 16

$1 per round


Adopted in 1891 by the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway, the 6.5x55 is a first generation smokeless powder military round that has served and survived longer than most of its companion cartridges of the day. This is largely because of the narrow and long axis of the bullet which manages truly impressive stability over long range as well as offering impressive penetration capabilities. While the Swedish Mauser rifles are much sought after by military arms collectors, there are quite a few modern rifle makers offering their models in the caliber because of its fine capabilities. As a long range, flat shooting round, it remains very popular among competitive shooters as well as hunters. The 140 grain soft point bullet has a muzzle velocity of 2671 feet per second with 2218 foot pounds of energy. This is primarily a hunting round good for up to deer hunting.

Sellier & Bellot has almost two hundred years of ammunition manufacturing experience which has occurred during every major technological development of the modern, metallic cartridge. Loaded with boxer primed, reloadable cases that extend the value to handloaders of this versatile cartridge, S&B remains a trusted choice for hunters and sportsmen.

Additional information

  • Product Type Ammo
  • Manufacturer Sellier & Bellot
  • Condition New
  • Bullet Weight 140 Grain
  • Bullet Type Semi-Jacketed Soft-Point (SJSP)
  • Use Type Deer Hunting, Range Training
  • Casing Type Brass
  • Quantity 20
  • Ammo Caliber 6.5x55mm Swedish
  • Manufacturer SKU SB6555B
  • Primer Type Boxer
  • Muzzle Velocity 2602
  • Muzzle Energy 2110
  • Magnetic No
  • UPC Barcode 754908512331
  • Cost Per Round $1 per round

Customer reviews


  • Quality
Shot this Ammo zeroing my 6.5x55swedish Carl Gustav 1908 year sporterized with a synthetic butler creek stock barrel cut from the original 29 inches down to 24 inches boresighted it got it on paper at 25 yard moved it out to 100 yards was 6 inches high windage perfect dailed scope down 5 inches bam inch high at 100 yards with Crimson Trace 3-9x40 brushline BDC scope very clear glass multi coated picks up light in morn and late evening great tracks perfect audible clicks and zero stop took a three shot group and not a one of the three shots were on paper confused and in disbelief I aimed at that damn target one more time lined up took the shot and the original hole at one inch high got a tiny bit larger and we realized that all four shots went through the same hole at inch high 100 yards Sellier Belliot ammo is accurate as heck ! Will use this ammo fir deer this season it’s semi jacketed Soft Points so they should mushroom and penetrate well good stuff so far !!!!

Review by Louisiana Hunter AKA. Black Boone

(Posted on October 5, 2023)

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You're reviewing: Sellier & Bellot - Soft Point - 140 Grain 6.5x55mm Swedish Ammo - 20 Rounds

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