Hornady ELD-Match 285 Grain 338 Lapua Magnum Ammo - 20 Rounds

Bullet Weight
285 Grain
Casing Type

In Stock: 25

$6.75 per round


The current incarnation of the .338 Lapua cartridge is the result of British and Finnish research to develop a caliber to fill the gap between the standard issue 7.62 NATO and the .50 BMG. The result has become a standard issue precision rifle caliber for long range work in the military as well as a caliber that is enjoying increasing popularity in extreme long-range target shooting and game hunting. The 285 grain Extreme Low Drag (ELD) bullet by Hornady has a muzzle velocity of 2745 feet per second with approximately 4800 foot pounds of energy. These bullets have a tip point specifically designed to prevent the bullet fronts from melting and deforming: not a serious concern in conventional bullets used for standard shooting ranges but a problem when shooting ranged exceed 400 yards or meters. This bullet is designed for long range target shooting.

Hornady’ reputation for superior bullet design was established in the 1960’s and today remains one of the most trusted brands for consistent performance shot after shot, with the intention of making the first shot the only one required for single hit accuracy and performance. The company’s components are often sought out by custom handloaders, but this complete cartridge offers reloadable cases and premium match bullets made by the professionals for professionals.

Additional information

  • Product Type Ammo
  • Manufacturer Hornady
  • Condition New
  • Bullet Weight 285 Grain
  • Bullet Type ELD Match
  • Use Type Match Shooting
  • Casing Type Brass
  • Quantity 20
  • Ammo Caliber 338 Lapua Magnum
  • Manufacturer SKU 82300
  • Primer Type Boxer
  • Muzzle Velocity 2745
  • Muzzle Energy 4768
  • Magnetic No
  • UPC Barcode 90255823004
  • Cost Per Round $6.75 per round

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